Welcome to Intro to Technology

In this class you will explore 4 modules
1. Digital Photography
2. Web Page Design
3. Electronics Communication
4. Digital Audio


1.     No food or drink permitted in the lab, this includes candy and gum.  You will be asked to place it in the trashcan and warned. The next offense will result in a disciplinary referral to the office and most likely a Wednesday school.  This ensures the lab will stay nice.

2.     Your password is a private number – do not share it with anyone, including your partner. 

3.     Logging into the system takes attendance.  I will record attendance at the beginning of class and at the end of the class.  Don’t log off of the system and just sit there. Be sure to stay busy the entire block of time.  If you “take a break” you will not finish 16 modules within the 18-week period.

4.     Do not log off and do nothing.  Your grade will suffer!

5.     Push chairs in and clean up module desk before you leave.  You are responsible for all materials at your station.

6.     No personal music devices or music CD’s permitted in class!

7.     Do not line up at the door and wait for the bell to ring – I will dismiss you.

8.     You may bring your own headphones to listen to the online instructions.

9.     NO YouTube, No Online Games.  1st offense WARNING.  2nd disiplinary referral to office

10.  No cell phones in the classroom. 

11.  You may check personal email before class, not during class.

12.  All rules and procedures from the student handbook will be enforced.